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Anita Bowman Roussel


Anita is a lifelong learner and a personal development enthusiast.  She holds a BS in Medical Technology from Louisiana State University, an MBA with a Healthcare Management Focus from the University of Phoenix and has 25 years of healthcare work experience.   She has been afforded opportunities to serve others in her career, church and community and now chooses to do so through her writing.  Having been impacted by the sharing and transparency of others, she is determined to transparently share with others, in an effort to positively impact, as well.


She believes that life is fleeting and that one should take the time to enjoy the journey rather than just focusing only on certain destinations.   Her passion lies both in sharing her stories as well as encouraging others to do the same.  



She is a native of Northwest Louisiana and a current 20-year resident of the Dallas Fort Worth area in North Texas.  She has been married to her best friend Brian for 24 years and they have three children.

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